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Advent Week 4,
The Candle of LOVE 

 Our Final week in Advent, the lighting of the Candle of LOVE.


Love is a gift; a gift from God. At Christmastime, we as Christians believe that God's greatest gift of love was Jesus, the Savior of the world. In Advent, we are working our way towards the most important aspect of Christmas, GOD'S LOVE FOR US IN CHRIST.


When Jesus came to this earth, he brought a special kind of love. This love is unselfish, compassionate, unconditional. He loves us just as we are. Our condition is irrelevant to his love. It is a love that picks us up just where we are in life and carries us further than we could ever go on our own.


He gives us his love so we can give it away in the same unselfish, compassionate, unconditional way he gave it to us. He tells us this love will be our trademark. It will distinguish us as followers of Jesus.


Your actions reflect Jesus to the world around you. You can choose to offer love or to hold it back. In situations where it is hard to offer love, ask him to give you an abundance of his own in your heart so you are able to give it away.

As you move into Christmas this week, be reminded of the distinguishing mark you carry as a follower of Jesus. Ask for his love to be evident in your words and actions as you interact with others. Seek to bring unity and balance into relationships or situations. Listen to people with sincerity and interest. Ask for a graciousness that comes from his Spirit as you mingle with those in your circle.


Adapted from "The Love" written by Gail Rodgers



Glory to God in the highest heaven,
   and on earth peace, goodwill among people.

Luke 2:14

How was your Advent Adventure? Did you have a face-to-face encounter with the King? Are you different from the Excitement and Risk? Was it worth the time and spiritual energy? 

Blessings upon your season of Christmas. May it be filled with many faith adventures.   


Rev. Dr. Ann Paton 

(Walt Baughman’s aunt)



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