9:00 am - 2:00 pm, Monday - Thursday.
If you need assistance after hours, please call
419-433-4711 and leave a message, or email zionhuron@gmail.com. Messages and emails will be returned by the next business day.
If you need pastoral care, please contact the church office or
President Sean Resley at 419-515-3255.
Please visit our Facebook page for general updates. Live streaming is now available on YouTube.
Please subscribe

Please join us each Sunday morning in the sanctuary at 9:00 am as we celebrate and share worship together.
Holy Communion is offered weekly during Worship. We have a seat saved just for you!
Worship services are live streamed on YouTube.
Additional Worship
7:00 pm - Christmas Eve
7:00 pm - Ash Wednesday
7:00 pm - Mid-Week Lenten Services
(with simple supper at 6:15 pm) -
7:00 pm- Maundy Thursday Service
7:00 pm- Good Friday Service
9:00 am - Easter Celebration
(Easter Egg Hunt after Service) -
9:00 am Sunday Worship Services are posted to our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ zionlutheranchurchhuronohio/

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new church leadership team as well as extend a prayerful thank you to those that have served the church in the past year.
2023 Leadership Team:
President: Sean Resley
Vice President: Mike Amstutz
Secretary: Carol Opalka
Treasurer: Jennifer Neuman
Members at Large:
Bev Moyer, Leslie Foxworth