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Advent Week 3,
The Candle of JOY 

The Third Week of Advent is when we light the 3rd candle, the Candle of Joy.



The Third week of Advent, and we light the Candle of JOY!


What is the Joy of Advent? Joy can be grounded on thankfulness for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and looking forward toward His second coming. That is a marker for His faithful believers. Today, our own joy fueled by the Holy Spirit, is how God spreads His joy throughout the world! You are His messenger!


Challenge: Make a list of 10 things you could do to bring others JOY. Pick one or two items on your list and try to do them this week. Celebrate the joy of Jesus by spreading joy!



Dear Jesus, 

Thank You for coming down to earth as a little baby. 

Joy filled Mary, Joseph and the shepherds’ hearts on that day so long ago! 

Be with us and fill our hearts with Your joy as we get ready to celebrate Your birth. 

In Your name we pray. Amen.




Amahl and the Night Visitors


Amahl is a crippled shepherd boy who lives in a one-room hovel with his widowed mother. They are awakened from their sleep by a knock at the door. Three kings enter for a respite. They are on their way to see the newborn King. 


Opera. All in English. Less than one hour in length. Commissioned by NBC, Gian Carlo Menotti composed this first of the Hallmark series although Hallmark does not show it anymore. It was first on television on Christmas Eve 1951. 


The sung dialogues between mother and Amahl are typical parent-child talking. The kings have a much more serious participation. However, there is some humor with them. After hearing about the newborn King, Amahl decides to....   Watch it yourself. There are several versions on YouTube. 


A different and moving telling of the birth of Jesus. 


Walter Baughman




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